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Архив протоколов РАЗЛИЧНЫХ Межд. Раб. собраний (на анг. языке)

Добавлено: 21 июн 2021, 21:05
Архив протоколов Всех РАЗЛИЧНЫХ Международных Рабочих групп (пока на английском языке).

Draft Minutes for LAA International Business Meeting
5th June, 2021

Chair – Tracey
Timer – Linda
Notes – Craig

Attendance: 9 at 4:05, 11 by 4:30

Vote on lengthening meeting failed to reach a majority of members present with 4 yes, 2 no, 3 abstentions.

Vote on accepting last meeting notes failed to reach majority approval with 4 yes, 7 abstentions.
NOTE – most abstentions were due to the notes not having been read in advance of the meeting.

Chair opened the meeting at 1:05 PDT and led the Serenity Prayer.

12 Traditions of LAA were read.

Discussion opened on LAA as a Traditions based fellowship.

Tradition 8 was read and discussed:
Love Addicts Anonymous should remain forever non-professional, but our service centers may employ special workers.

- The discussion revolved around professionals identifying themselves as professionals in LAA meetings. The following statement was added by unanimous consent:
"Professionals should not disclosed for the purpose of profit. More discussion about professionals with a vested interest in love addiction should be had once we start monthly traditions reviews."

- The question was raised whether this was the meaning of Tradition 8, or if it had a broader meaning. The 12 Steps and 12 Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous was referenced and all are encouraged to consult this as we continue the Traditions discussion.

Traditions Discussion closed.

Current Business

- Business Chair
o Tracey’s time as chair ends this month so nominees were asked for:
o Nominees for Chair
 Craig nominated
 Unanimous consent was given to waive step work requirement for a period of 6 months
 Craig accepted the nomination
 Craig was approved by a majority of voting members with a quorum present

- Committee Creation/Reports
o Web Site Committee was created
 2 members – Susan and Craig
 Membership is open to all members in good standing
 Donation button suggested

o Treasury Committee
 Not created
 Susan to report on banking status
• Current Debt = $3,466
• Outlays?
• Donations received?
• Can account have more than one name?

o Literature Committee
 List of committee members was not available
 Step work literature worked on and sent out by Susan
 Needs board approval

Agenda Points for next meeting:
- Traditions discussion (9-11)
- Revisit S in LAA after 3 month pause

Meeting closed with Long Form Serenity Prayer
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Agenda International Business Meeting
July 3rd, 2021 via Zoom - 1pm PDT/4pm EDT & AST/ 10pm CAT

Chair – Craig
Notes – Linda
Timer – TBA

Welcome and Readings – led by Chair
(Roughly 10 minutes)
• Group Serenity Prayer (We Version)
• Reading of the 12 Traditions
• Introductions and Determination of Voting Members
• Presentation (in Chat) and Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes – can be waived by unanimous consent

LAA 12 Traditions In Practice Continued
(Roughly 40 minutes)

• LAA Tradition 9
o 2 min check in round
o 10 minute discussion
o Vote to close/extend/table discussion

• LAA Tradition 10
o 2 min check in round
o 10 minute discussion
o Vote to close/extend/table discussion

• LAA Tradition 11
o 2 min check in round
o 10 minute discussion
o Vote to close/extend/table discussion

Committee Reports
(Roughly 3 minutes each - 15 minutes total)
• Website Committee - presented by JoJo
• Treasury Committee – presented by Susan
• Literature Committee – presented by Ed

- Vote to extend / close meeting

New Business – if meeting extended
(Roughly 25 minutes)
• Qualifications for appointing new treasurer
• What to do with existing LAA Debt

(Roughly 5 minutes)
• Reading of 12 Promises
• Group Serenity Prayer (We Version)

After meeting – Fellowship and Unity time


Seventh Tradition Spreadsheet Excel.xls (9.22 KB) https://loveaddictsanonymous.boards.net ... s-archives

Meeting closed at 5:01

Архив протоколов РАЗЛИЧНЫХ Межд. Раб. собраний (на анг. языке)

Добавлено: 05 июл 2021, 18:49
Протокол Первой международной деловой встречи

These archives include past meeting minutes and old discussions from the business meetings . . .

https://loveaddictsanonymous.boards.net ... s-archives

Minutes to the First International Business Meeting

Saturday, May 16, 2020

5 people were present.

Discussed issues:

1. This is an international group. An invitation was sent out to 6,800 people from this message board by Susannah, the administrator, plus 37 letters of invitation to members of the International Committee. No one responded.

2. The Basic Text was discussed and approved by a unanimous vote.

3. After one year on google.docs and a vote taken on the message board, the 12 steps were finally approved. History: Two versions of the steps were presented by the groups in South Africa and Russia. They were blended together for the first draft of the steps. Susan edited the draft, eliminating redundancies. The steps were then posted on the message board for further comment. A few changes were made. The steps were then submitted to this committee. They are now approved by the International Business Committee.

4. It was suggested to start working on creating a draft workbook, using the newly-approved steps.

5. Susan is in the process of duplicating all the text of the original website to this message board so you will not have to go to both sites.



6. It is proposed to hold a second step-by-step working meeting on Saturday, May 23, at 11:00 a.m. Central United States time.

7. It is suggested to send out invitations in advance to all participants of the message board, 37 members of the International Committee and all Russian-speaking LAA groups.

After the meeting was over, John from South Africa joined us and explained:

1. The meaning of the words written on the logo and shape of the logo, and made the promise again to give their explanation in writing.

2. John explained that THERE are no LAA mottos or slogans yet.


Report on completed actions:

1. The Message about the next meeting is posted on the this message board. Here is the link.


2. Susan was given access to separate forum branches with basic texts for steps and basic questions to them.

3. Text invitations to the next working meeting were sent to representatives of the State of California.


4. The reconciliation of Russian and English texts has started.

Questions for the second working meeting:

1. Make a reconciliation of workbooks or individual questions to it in Russian.
Liana, the secretary of the first International Business meeting of LAA.
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Minutes to the Second International Business Meeting

Saturday, May 23, 2020

7 people were present.

Discussed issues:

1. This is an International Group. An invitation was sent out to 6,800 people from this message board by Susannah, the administrator, plus 37 letters of invitation to members of the International Committee. Only one responded to remove him from mailing list.

2. It is proposed to Translate all workbooks to Russian and English for 2 weeks max. for further discussion by groups and making framework, amendments, and changes to it.

3. It is proposed to hold a 3rd step-by-step working meeting on Saturday, May 30, at 12:00 p.m. Central United States time.

4. It is suggested to send out the letters to members of International Committee and ask them if they are still willing to serve in committee. Give them a deadline for answer 1 month. After it consider electing a new International Committee if necessary.

5. It is suggested to send out invitations in advance 37 members of the International Committee, all Russian-speaking LAA groups and all English -speaking South Africa LAA groups.

6. Сheck if it possible to use Google Meet for Business meeting. Google Meet — Google LLC apps.apple.com/ru/app/google-meet/id1013231476 play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.meetings if necessary.

Questions for the 3rd working meeting:

1. Write the letters to members of International Committee and ask them if they are still willing to serve in committee. Give them a deadline for answer 1 month. After it consider electing a new International Committee if necessary.

2. Translate all workbooks to Russian and English for 2 weeks max.

3. Check possibility to found more Russian – English translators.

4. Сheck if it possible to use Google Meet for Business meeting. Try to use next time google app: Google Meet — Google LLC apps.apple.com/ru/app/google-meet/id1013231476 play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.meetings if necessary.

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Minutes of the Third International Business Meeting

Saturday, May 30, 2020

5 people were present.

audio record from 3rd business meeting

Topics discussed:

1. This is an international group. Susan Peabody, the administrator of the English-language forum, has sent out 6,800 invitations to the forum members www.loveaddicts.org. Invitations to the meeting were also sent to all Russian-language sites and chats, invitations were sent to loveaddicts.org and English-language chats in South Africa and representatives of Sweden and America to their e-mail addresses.
2. It was decided to check ALL the existing notebooks for the presence of texts from books of other communities and other authors. It was decided to mark with RED marker all the texts containing extracts of texts from books of other communities and other authors. Excerpts from the book "Path to recovery" will be checked by English-speaking groups. All other passages will be checked by Russian-speaking groups.
3. The group begins work on creating a “Draft for Step 5” based on the LLA Basic Text (LAA Big Book), which is posted on the loveaddicts.org forum. It was decided to find the Russian-speaking and English-speaking LAA members who completed steps 1 to 5 in order to use their experience and wisdom to complete step 5.
4. Almost all Workbooks were translated from Russian-language and English-language forums and chats into Russian and English (for further discussion by groups, defining the scope of work and making amendments and changes to it).
5. It was proposed to hold the 4th Workshop on Saturday, June 6, at 12:00 (or 11:00 ?????). (US Central Time).
6. It was suggested that letters be sent to members of the International Committee and asked if they would like to continue to work on the committee. Provide them with a response time of 1 month. After that, it is proposed to elect a new International Committee (if necessary).
7. It was suggested that the invitation to the Fourth International Business Meeting be distributed in advance to all LAA Russian-speaking groups, all LAA English-speaking groups in South Africa, to place an ad on the bulletin board at loveaddicts.org
8. It was proposed to check whether Google Meet can be used for business meetings. Google Meet - Google LLC apps.apple.com/app/google-meet/id1013231476 play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.meetings, if necessary.

Questions for the 4th Business meeting :

1. Write letters to the members of the International Committee and ask them if they wish to continue to work on the committee. Give them a response time of 1 month. After that, consider electing a new International Committee, if necessary.
2. Translate all workbooks into Russian and English within 2 weeks.
3. Start writing Step 5 and draw steps 5 through 12 jointly by Russia, South Africa and USA, discuss the possibility of making changes to steps 1-4.
4. Try to find more Russian - English translators.
5. Check if you can use Google Meet for business meetings.
Try using the Google app next time: Google Meet - Google LLC apps.apple.com/app/google-meet/id1013231476
play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps. for meeting.
Liana, member of Third LAA International Business Meeting.

Liana, the secretary of the second International Business meeting of LAA.
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Minutes of the Fourth International Business Meeting

2nd November, 2020

10 people were present on Zoom

The meeting time was changed by Susan Peabody from 11.00 a.m. San Francisco time on the first Sunday of the month to the first Monday of the month. For the past few months, no one had attended on the dates previously agreed and it is hoped that this time may enable more people to participate. A notice was sent out to all members registered on the message board (now approaching 7,000) and posted on some of the individual group WhatsApp chats.

The main subject discussed was our Primary Purpose and member safety in a Zoom and WhatsApp environment.

A draft Primary Purpose was posted on the Message Board, sent out with the meeting notice and was discussed by those present at the Business Meeting. The following document evolved from this and is presented for consideration by the membership. It will be put forward for approval, or final amendment, at the next International Business Meeting on Monday, 7th December, 2020.

Primary Purpose and Group Safety (Draft)

Our primary purpose is to offer a safe place to recover from love addiction and to carry the message of recovery to those who still suffer.

LAA a not a dating club and there is no place for flirting, or any behavior that makes another member feel uncomfortable. If a member feels that they have been approached inappropriately or is negatively impacted by another’s behavior, for whatever reason, they should speak to a service member.

If these principles are broken, the reputation of LAA, the unity of the group, and the well-being of individual members may be adversely affected and is of great concern.

For the good of LAA as a whole, anyone breaching these guidelines may be requested not to attend a particular meeting or meetings until their recovery is more advanced. People with service positions will be relieved of their roles to concentrate on their own recovery. Such decisions should always be made through open discussion.

It is recognized that these behaviors are symptoms of love addiction---usually an addiction to romance. Whenever possible, someone will stay in touch to help all parties involved get back on track with their recovery.

* * *

The business meeting suggests incorporating the following points
in individual meeting formats, as per group conscience:

- Deactivate private chats on Zoom, except from host and co-hosts.

- Discourage cross talk.

- Encourage extra care on WhatsApp groups.

- Offer an alternative point of contact if the member does not feel they can approach a service member.

Primary Purpose and Group Safety (Draft)
Anyone wishing to may contact Love Addicts Anonymous at:


Susan P announced that she is retiring soon and so it is important for people to come forward and do service. This keeps our program safe and ensures its longevity. Once a service board has been established, she will remain as a consultant and Codependent Parent for the foreseeable future.

We need a Secretary for the Business Meetings and others to fill a number of roles. Please attend the next meeting to offer your service or send an email to: laainternationalcommittee@gmail.com
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Minutes of the Fifth International Business Meeting

7th December, 2020 at 11.00 a.m. PST

10 people were present on Zoom

Topics discussed:

1) Primary Purpose and Group Safety
Read aloud with proposed changes.
"Primary Purpose and Group Safety" statement accepted December 7, 2020 by 10 members present, as follows:

"Our primary purpose is to offer a safe place to recover from love addiction and to carry the message of recovery to those who still suffer.

Love Addicts Anonymous (LAA) is not a dating club and there is no place for flirting, or any behavior that makes another member feel uncomfortable. If a member feels that they have been approached inappropriately or is negatively impacted by another’s behavior, for whatever reason, they should speak to a service member.

If these principles are broken, the reputation of LAA, the unity of the group, and the well-being of individual members may be adversely affected and is of great concern.

For the good of LAA as a whole, anyone breaching these guidelines may be requested not to attend a particular meeting or meetings until their recovery is more advanced. People with service positions will be relieved of their roles to concentrate on their own recovery. Such decisions should always be made through open discussion.

It is recognized that these behaviors are symptoms of love addiction---usually an addiction to romance. Whenever possible, someone will stay in touch to help all parties involved get back on track with their recovery."

Individual groups are encouraged to incorporate the following points into their meeting formats, as per group conscience:

- Deactivate private chats on Zoom, except from host and co-hosts.
- Discourage cross talk.
- Encourage extra care on WhatsApp groups.
- Offer an alternative point of contact if the member does not feel they can approach a service member.

2) Love Addicts Anonymous (LAA) and Relationship with Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous (SLAA)
Susan P. reviewed background and relationship between LAA and SLAA.
Linda read the Forum Post on this subject, as proposal to be read at all LAA meetings.
Group Discussion:
Instead of "one" allow "any".
Spell out abbreviation of SLAA, LAA, CoDA within the first line.
Main confusion between SLAA and LAA literature.
Newcomers do not see the differences between SLAA and LAA.
SLAA and LAA should be discussed at the beginning of each meeting.
Necessary to keep the attention on the topic of LAA.

Dayna agreed to write a shorter proposal paragraph which can be read in the format meeting script “Sharing Guidelines” at the beginning of LAA meetings, which will include something similar to:
“Due to the sensitive nature around love addiction, we ask that you kindly leave sexually explicit stories out of your sharing. If you need further support in the area of sex addiction, please reach out to our chairperson for the information to connect with those specific groups. We maintain the focus of these LAA groups”
The final draft will be discussed and agreed at the next Business Meeting.

3) Service Positions
Welcome Newcomers on website.
Will be discussed at next business meeting.

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The following was voted on in the January 4 business meeting. It is now LAA literature, but you are not required to read it at your meeting. Discuss this with your local business meeting.

Susan P.

LAA International
Meeting Guidelines

1. LAA focuses solely on codependency, love addiction, and the different kinds of love addicts.

2. In LAA we do not discuss sex addiction, in conjunction with love addiction, as their recovery program is different than ours. Talk about sex addiction can also trigger painful experiences from the past. Some of our members were abused by an untreated sex addict.

3. We respectfully ask that if you are a member of another 12-step group, that you do not talk about that recovery program while in this meeting. Our primary purpose is to offer help to recovering love addicts and codependents. Talk of other addictions only dilutes our primary purpose.
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Minutes to the Business Meeting
4th January, 2021 at 11.00 a.m. PST

Our temporary secretary was Linda S. Thank you Linda . . .

Seven people were present on Zoom from five different countries.

The meeting opened with the Serenity Prayer.

The 12 Traditions were read.

Introductions were made.

The minutes of last meeting were approved.

Today’s Business:

1) Appointment of Secretary for this Meeting to take Minutes

As no-one volunteered to take the Minutes, this record is in an abbreviated form.

2) LAA’s Relationship with other Fellowships and Suggested Meeting Guidelines.

An email had been sent out to the 7,000 plus members registered on the Message Board, informing them of the proposed addition to the literature, as follows:

Meeting Guidelines

1. LAA focuses solely on codependency, love addiction, and the different kinds of love addicts.

2. In LAA we do not discuss sex addiction, in conjunction with love addiction, as their recovery program is different than ours. Talk about sex addiction can also trigger painful experiences from the past. Some of our members were abused by an untreated sex addict.

3. We respectfully ask that if you are a member of another 12-step group, that you do not talk about that recovery program while in this meeting. Our primary purpose is to offer help to recovering love addicts and codependents. Talk of other addictions only dilutes our primary purpose.

A discussion followed, taking into account views that had been expressed prior to the meeting. Confirmation, in line with Tradition 4, was given that this would be presented to the membership as a suggestion to be read at meetings, but the final decision whether to do so would be left to group conscience and individual business meetings. On this basis, the text was voted into LAA Literature.


Susan P to inform the membership of this decision and groups to consider this at their business meeting.

3) Sponsorship

A discussion of the shortage of sponsors in LAA took place. Two members, from Sweden and California, shared their valuable experience on possible ways of handling this. Some discussions of this can be found here:



It was agreed that we would continue to motivate members to work on their recovery and, when they are ready, to go on to become sponsors.

4) Time of International Committee Monthly Business Meeting

Some members in Africa had asked if it would be possible to bring the time of this meeting forward so that they would be more easily able to attend, in view of the big time difference. As we had members attending from California and Japan, it was apparent how difficult it is to find a time that is possible for everyone.


It was agreed that Susan P would set up a poll and send out an email to members to see if we could arrive at a time more convenient for a greater number of members.

5) Qualifications for Chairing an LAA Meeting

Following a post on the Message Board on this subject, some debate had arisen about the pros and cons of requirements for a person to chair a meeting, apart from the obvious need for the person to be reliable.


Those present were encouraged to give some thought to this and bring their views to the next meeting.

6) Newcomer greeters on Message Board and other roles to be considered for next meeting

As the fellowship grows, there is a need for the workload to be shared between more of the membership.


Those present to think about how this could be approached, and bring those ideas to the next meeting.

Date and Time of Next Meeting. This will be announced following the poll to be presented to the wider membership.

7) The meeting was closed with the Unity Prayer.
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Minutes to the International Business Meeting,
6th February, 2021 at 9.00 a.m. PST

Meeting started at 9:04 am PST

Susan P called the meeting to order.

1) The meeting opened with the saying of the Serenity Prayer

2) The 12 Traditions were read by Guido

3) Introductions. 20 people attended.

4) Appointment of Secretary to this Meeting. Susan P asked for somebody to take notes. Annie A volunteered to be temporary secretary.

5) Approval of Minutes of Last Meeting and any matters arising:
a) The Minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
b) Request to revisit LAA/SLAA/CoDA etc issue covered last month:

Susan P talked about the history of love addiction and its introduction into society. She explained that in the past, only the addict was considered to have a problem, not the family. Later the family was included, and the term codependent was coined. In 1990 love addiction was separated from codependence. Then attachment disorder was introduced. Terms and descriptions have evolved. Primary purpose is to have a safe place for love addicts. There has been resistance to include the mention of other addictions and their fellowships, such as SLAA and CoDA. Susan may need to turn the leadership of LAA over as she acknowledges personal difficulty on this issue and ultimately it is the goal to establish a Board of Trustees.

Discussion followed on whether LAA should include people with sex addiction. Anne F spoke first. Dana shared. Guido, Phillip, Annie, (Susan interjected comments occasionally) Alya, Hema, Linda posted wording read in every LAA meeting, Maya, Craig, Sean, Guido all shared.

Susan requested a motion that we focus on love addiction in LAA and avoid any outside issues, including talk of other addictions.

Maya motioned to ask if there is readiness to vote on the deciding factor. Annie seconded. 8 people out of 16 agreed to vote on this now.

Craig motioned: Table discussion on other addictions for 3 months. The motion was carried.

It was agreed that in the interim, the Literature relating to the mention of these issues, principally in “Typical Kinds of Love Addicts”, written by Susan P and donated to LAA, would be reviewed. Susan's suggestion was that we not include the paragraph about love addiction being different from codependency. A discussion followed. Any revision would reflect thoughts expressed here and take account of changing theory on addictions. This would be brought in draft form to a future LAA International Business Meeting for further consideration and group agreement by vote before presenting it to the fellowship as LAA approved literature.

Susan stated that although she is beginning to step down, she wants to keep LAA a safe place for love addicts.

It was agreed that remaining Agenda items not covered today would be carried forward to the next meeting, i.e.:
6) Qualifications for Chairing a LAA Meeting
7) Newcomer greeters and other ways to give service

8) In view of the long discussion above, there was no time for any other business.

9) Date and time of next meeting: Saturday, 6th March, 2021 at 9.00 a.m. PST.

10) The Unity Prayer was read in unison.

Susan closed the meeting at 10:31 am PST.

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LAA International Committee


Saturday, 6th March, 2021 at 9.00 a.m. PST

see loveaddictsanonymous.boards.net/thread/20010/zoom-business

Zoom Access:

1. Join in Serenity Prayer (we form)

2. Read 12 Traditions

3. Introductions

4. Appointment of Chair and Secretary to this Meeting

5. Approval of Minutes of Last Meeting (see above) and any matters arising

6. Qualifications for Chairing a LAA Meeting

7. Newcomer greeters and other ways to give service

8. Any other business

9. Date and time of next meeting

10. Close with the Unity Prayer

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LAA International Committee

Minutes From Saturday, 13th March, 2021

Started at 1:05pm PST

Guido called the meeting to order.

1) The meeting opened with the saying of the Serenity Prayer

2) The 12 Traditions were read by Guido

3) Introductions. 14 people attended maximum at time of voting 12 members were present.

4) Discussion of Business Chair Requirement

 6 months in LAA
 Passed 8 for 1 against 3 abstains
 Nancy discussed the energy and excitement of new members and the value that can add
 Completed the steps
 12 steps completion in any fellowship voted on and passed 12-0
 Zoom experience
 No vote was brought on this – not adopted as a requirement for Business Chair
 Experience as chair
 No vote was made but the general tone was useful, important, but not essential if no one has that.
 Further Notes from the discussion:
 Ruth asked for responsibilities of chair document to be discussed.
 Anne asked if business meeting is the same as a group conscience meeting, the general consensus was yes.
 Tracey added that the Steps, following Traditions, and using Roberts Rules of Order can help in future business meetings.

5) Discussion of Chair/Temporary Chair designation and nominations:

There was an open discussion around nominating a Chair this meeting and the length and permanency if appointed. Among the discussed points:

• The appointment should be for longer than one meeting at a time to allow other business to be accomplished
• A temporary chair should meet the requirements as an elected chair, but requirements could be waived by group conscience.

The unanimous decision was that a temporary chair would be voted on, and that they would serve up to 3 months unless an election took place and a long term chair was elected.

6) Nominations for Temporary Chair
 Guido was nominated, but was not able to take the role
 Craig was nominated but was not able to take the role
 Tracy was nominated and accepted the nomination with the proviso that the role is for 1 to 3 months

Tracey was elected temporary chair with unanimous consent

The members present all pledged to work in service together to support the temporary chair and the fellowship as a whole.

7) Discussion on elections and how to get the information out.
General agreement was given to using WhatsApp, the Message Board and the email network for the over 7,250 registered LAA members as the primary means for sending out news regarding Chair elections.

8) Discussion of Co-Chair
Nancy asked about having a vote/discussion on a co-chair role. This was tabled for this meeting and added into agenda points for next meeting.

9) Discussion of Next Meeting Agenda points
There was a strong and vibrant discussion around the next meeting and agenda items for upcoming discussions. The following list makes up the main points passed by unanimous consent:

• Co-Chair role
• Ways to show appreciation to her Susan for long term service
• Transition to a fellowship service base including more planning on
o Treasurer positions in groups and at the fellowship level and encouraging 7th tradition donations.
o 2nd, 6th, and 8th tradition importance (noted in chat)
o Website transition/funding
o Susan will create a turnover document detailing her understandings and values to help the fellowship grow going forward

10) Discussion on core beliefs
Susan stated that there is basic literature that has been voted on multiple times and she strongly feels this should be designated as accepted. She used the example of the 5 year review process used by AA whereby the basic text of the Big Book remains unchanged but the stories are reviewed and updated. This discussion extended in length with no clear resolution and many varying points were made. The conversation was ultimately tabled and recognized as an important concern for future considerations.

11) Discussion on length and flow of meeting
Stacey raised the concern that the past two meetings had been exhausting and gave him pause in attending more. Craig seconded that point. Tracey added that as democratic, not autocratic, body group discussions tend to be more lengthy. There was general agreement that the future meetings would be better if more streamlined, possibly with more use of Roberts Rules of Order to keep the meeting focused.

12) Date and time of next meeting: Saturday, April 3rd, 2021 at 1pm PST.

13) The Serenity Prayer (longer version in “we” terms) was read in unison.

Guido closed the meeting at 3:00 pm PST.


Meeting Notes from 13 Mar Business meeting 1.docx (17.78 KB)

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Minutes for LAA International Business Meeting
3rd April, 2021

Chair – Tracey
Timer – Whoopsie
Notes – Craig

Attendance: 8 at start of meeting, 10 members maximum

Chair opened the meeting at 1:01 p.m. PDT and led the Serenity Prayer

12 Traditions of LAA were read

Discussion opened on LAA as a Traditions based fellowship:

Tradition 1 was read and discussed:
Our common welfare should come first; personal recovery depends upon LAA unity.
• Diane asked about Crosstalk as it relates to Tradition 1
• General consensus that Tradition 1 is upheld

Tradition 2 was read and discussed:
For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority; a loving God as He may express Himself in our group conscience. Our leaders are but trusted servants, they do not govern.
• Craig expressed his belief that LAA has trouble with Tradition 2
• Tracey, Diane, Guido, Sakura discussed time limits on roles and how that helps minimize problems
• Susan in chat noted AA rotates meeting chairs on a maximum of 6 month basis, but that LAA has a lack of volunteers
• Manju asked about when no-one volunteers what happens
• Discussion about temporary chairs, reaching out across WhatsApp for chairs, and the “natural decay” of meetings

Tradition 3 was read and discussed:
The only requirement for LAA membership is a desire to recover from love addiction.
• Guido questioned if the use of “only” meetings; i.e. Men’s only, Women’s only, etc., violated the spirit of this tradition, but overall felt that the tradition is followed
• Craig pointed out that most 12 step fellowships have “only” meetings and that not being in one particular meeting does not keep someone from being a member of LAA
• Tracey acknowledged she understood both points of view

Tradition 4 was read and discussed:
Each group should be autonomous except in matters affecting other groups, or LAA as a whole.
• A discussion about WhatsApp ensued and how the LAA Fellowship uses it

Craig made a motion to close the Traditions discussion and cover another four next month, passed with a majority.

Agenda Point discussion on Transition Committee:

• Tracey questioned whether a committee should be established before the discussion of the Traditions was complete.
•Whoopsie asked for clarification about the transition committee.
•There was an open discussion on this ending with the resolve to put a vote about a committee on the next agenda.

Agenda Point discussion on 7th Tradition/Treasurer discussion:
• Susan went over the financial state of LAA
• Guido discussed how South Africa fellowship handled switching from a private account to group trust

The following points were raised as agenda items for the next meeting:

• Discuss LAA's Traditions 5-8 with a focus on where we follow these best and where we fall short. Susan asked we re-consider covering four at a time, instead suggesting doing one a month.
• Susan will provide a breakdown/report of the current debt structure, expenses and finances
• Discussion and vote on a transition committee

Chair led closing prayer

Meeting ended at 5:30 p.m. PDT

The next meeting will be May 1st at 1.00 p.m. PDT

Attachment: Proposed LAA Business Meeting Minutes 4-3-2021.pdf (495.4 KB)
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The current International Business Meeting is anxious to transition from my leading LAA to LAA being led by the members of the LAA organization as a whole. We are attempting to do this at the business meeting. This is an important goal and I support it one hundred percent. But it needs to be noted that we have been led by committees for years. The Literature Committee is about five years old and has worked tirelessly to create the Basic Text and the LAA Step Guide. We have also had an International Business Meeting for over a year and have approved the Safety Guidelines and Meeting Guidelines. What is needed now is some CONSISTENCY. We need a core group of representatives of all the LAA meetings to show up on a regular basis. I am appealing for this now. Please join us on May 1 and stick around for awhile. Thank you

Susan Peabody

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Minutes for LAA International Business Meeting
1st May, 2021

(Not approved at following meeting, believed to be due to not enough
attendees having read them in advance)

Chair – Tracey
Timer – Linda
Notes – Tracey, transcribed by Craig & Guido
Attendance: Between 13-15 people

Chair opened the meeting at 1pm PDT/10pm CAT and led with the long version of the Serenity Prayer

12 Traditions of LAA were read by group

Discussion opened on LAA in transition to being fully based on the Traditions, so that it will be a healthy fellowship, like other 12 Step World Service Organizations. With this purpose, we continued doing a LAA inventory of how we follow and do not follow each of the 12 Traditions.

Tradition 5 was read and discussed:
Each group has but one primary purpose - to carry its message to others who still suffer from love addiction and codependency.
● Guido discussed carrying the message of LAA to other 12 Step fellowships
● Dayna highlighted how LAA has blossomed with Zoom

Tradition 6 was read and discussed:
A LAA group ought never endorse, finance or lend the LAA name to any related facility or outside enterprise, lest problems of money, property and prestige divert us from our primary purpose.
● Many agreed that there is a lot of work to be done: here are some notes...
o Need a Treasurer
o Need transparency and oversight of donations (7th Tradition)
o Copyright issues
o There is an issue of using people’s registered emails to contact people without solicitation
o Meeting literature:
▪ How is it chosen?
▪ Are there options discussed/group conscience of choosing conference approved literature?
▪ Does it break this tradition by endorsing outside professionals?

Tradition 7 was read and discussed:
Every LAA group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.
● Costs/expenses need to be understood, shared, and should be managed by group conscience
● Maintaining a prudent reserve

Traditions Discussion closed until next month.

Agenda Point - Treasurer Report by Susan
● Current Debt = $3,466
o Outlays?
o Donations received?
(Note: These had been posted on the LAA Message Board but the documents were not accessible.)
● Donation button suggested
● Can account have more than one person’s name?

Agenda Point discussion on Committees
● Bank/Treasurer
o Method of 7th tradition?
● Literature
o What is used
o Some written and shared but not conference approved?
● Website
o Name
o Ownership
o Emails

The following points were raised as agenda points for the next meeting:
● Discuss LAA‘s Traditions 8-11 with a focus on where we follow these best and where we fall short.
● Susan will provide a breakdown/report of the current debt structure, expenses and finances
● Discussion and vote on a transition committee

Chair led closing prayer

Meeting ended at 2:05 pm

The next meeting will be June 5th at 1pm PDT

Guido put forward the meeting should be 90 minutes instead of 60, many informally approved and Chair suggested to put motion forward at next meeting.

N.B. Previous Minutes and discussions may be found here:
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Minutes for LAA International Business Meeting
5th June, 2021 at 1.00 p.m. PDT via Zoom

Chair – Tracey
Timer – Linda
Notes – Craig

Attendance: 9 at 4:05, 11 by 4:30

Vote on lengthening meeting failed to reach a majority of members present with 4 yes, 2 no, 3 abstentions.
Vote on accepting last meeting notes failed to reach majority approval with 4 yes, 7 abstentions.
NOTE – most abstentions were due to the notes not having been read in advance of the meeting.

Chair opened the meeting at 1:05 PDT and led the Serenity Prayer.

12 Traditions of LAA were read.


Discussion opened on LAA as a Traditions based fellowship.

Tradition 8 was read and discussed:
Love Addicts Anonymous should remain forever non-professional, but our service centers may employ special workers.
- The discussion revolved around professionals identifying themselves as professionals in LAA meetings. The following statement was added by unanimous consent:

"Professionals should not disclosed for the purpose of profit. More discussion about professionals with a vested interest in love addiction should be had once we start monthly traditions reviews."

- The question was raised whether this was the meaning of Tradition 8, or if it had a broader meaning. The 12 Steps and 12 Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous was referenced and all are encouraged to consult this as we continue the Traditions discussion.

Traditions Discussion closed.

Current Business:
- Business Chair
o Tracey’s time as chair ends this month so nominees were asked for:
o Nominees for Chair
 Craig nominated
 Unanimous consent was given to waive step work requirement for a period of 6 months
 Craig accepted the nomination
 Craig was approved by a majority of voting members with a quorum present

Committee Creation/Reports:
o Web Site Committee was created
 2 members – Susan and Craig
 Membership is open to all members in good standing
 Donation button suggested

o Treasury Committee
 Not created
 Susan to report on banking status
Current Debt = $3,466
• Outlays?
• Donations received?
• Can account have more than one name?

o Literature Committee
 List of committee members was not available
 Step work literature worked on and sent out by Susan
 Needs board approval

Agenda Points for next meeting:
- Traditions discussion (9-11)
- Revisit S in LAA after 3 month pause

Meeting closed with Long Form Serenity Prayer
Meeting closed at 5:01